Turning the brokenness into something extraordinarily beautiful.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Surrendering To Change


Change can be good -   we get new jobs, new marriages, new looks, new homes. Our children grow up, they have children of their own.  Our children grow into people that maybe we don't like so much, yet we still love them.  Sometimes the outcome is good, but sometimes it is bad.  Sometimes we have to pretend that we are embracing this change, yet inside we already see the inevitable outcome, the sadness or loss that we know will come.  We want that change, yet we are afraid of it.  We need that change the same way we need to know that we are safe in this world.  We may hate our circumstances, but are often afraid to change them. 

It doesn't really matter whether or not we like change, whether we embrace it or run in fear.  Change is going to happen all the time, whether we choose to participate or not.   We're going to have seemingly unimportant change, and vast, overwhelming change.  Even when we have a choice to change, and we choose not to, change is going to happen anyway.  What choice do we really have?  We can either walk right towards that change, or we can do nothing, and let change happen on it's own, while we just sit there in our "safe" little miserable world.  It's going to happen either way.

We can struggle and fight against change, or we can surrender to it, scary as it may seem.  Surrender may feel to some people like giving up control.  Surrender is defined as:  to give (oneself) over to something (as an influence).  It means to wisely accomodate ourselves to what is beyond our control.  Things are going to happen to us that are beyond our control:  divorce, aging, sickness, dying - it's what life is about.

We have to learn to live in the moment, and understand that life is nothing but transition.  It's ok to be afraid of it.  It's ok to gripe about it a little.  As long as that paves the way for acceptance and acknowledgement  that change is sometimes good, sometimes not, but it is always happening.