This was written by a friend named Chris. You can find his original posting
hereSun 8:04pm
On December 3, 2007 too many lives to mention were shattered. One was forever lost, the rest were emotionally spent. Why does such foolishness take place? Selfishness and pride.
I usually don't use my notes as a platform to "preach", today I have no choice. What is in my head must be put down. Learn from this.
We are all selfish and proud. You, you, you, and even you. I am selfish and proud. To many that may not seem like a bad thing. Right? I have reasons to be proud. Proud of my family, proud of my accomplishments, proud of my kids, proud of my parents, proud, proud, proud. Yet the Bible is clear that "pride goes before the fall." You probably don't think of yourself as selfish, but you are. You want, you need, you deserve, you, you, you. I am the same way. I want to play golf, I want to sleep late, I desire this, I deserve that, me, me, me, I, I, I.
So let me be bold. You deserve Hell. I deserve Hell. Thank you Jesus for not giving me what I deserve, BUT for giving me mercy instead.
This past week, I've lost control of my emotions twice. I don't like doing that. I wish I hadn't, but since I can't change the past, let me just apologize to all who saw me "freak out".
What could possibly cause such emotional demonstrations from me? My brother. My little brother who is going to teach you all a lesson.
On Friday, May 15, 2009 my brother was sentenced to serve 20 years in the state penitentiary for intoxicated manslaughter. I cried harder than I ever remember crying. I wailed so loud that I shook. There was a pain in the pit of my stomach that stayed for a long time. It still tries to show up. You know what? I wasn't even the person who hurt the worst. Two teenage boys and 3 siblings, of a man who lost his life surely hurt worse. I'll see my brother again. They never will.
The district attorney painted a vivid picture of how evil and horrible my brother was for this horrific act. The families of the deceased will probably only see him that way as well. But Mat is not vile and terrible. On one night in December he simply let his pride and his selfishness have their way in his life and now...was it worth it?
I've been a minister for over nearly 20 years now, and I've had a war inside of me for many of those years concerning, what many in the older generation call, "the demon alcohol". Let's be frank the Bible never tells us to not drink. It's not in there. In fact Jesus drank wine and Paul tells Timothy to have wine for his stomach. Whether or not it is fermented wine or not, I'll let the Greek and Hebrew scholars debate. The bible does say two very important things concerning alcohol though:
1) "Wine is a mocker and beer is a brawler; whoever is led astray by them is not wise." Prov. 20:1
2) "Do not get drunk on wine which leads to debauchery. Instead be filled with the Spirit." Eph. 5:18
When I was in my young teens I got drunk. It sounded like fun, but let's be real. It's not. Puking is not fun. Having no memory or hazy memories...not fun. Headaches all the next day, fun-less. If you are deceiving yourself with your pompous arrogant attitude saying something ignorant like, "Hell, yea it's fun." You're a liar and you know it. Being intoxicated and inebriated is no fun. So now at 36 I don't get drunk. I don't drink at all. Not because, "Christians don't drink", but simply because I don't need it. I don't need a beer to help me wind down. I don't need a mixed drink to help me have fun. And I don't need the grief that drinking in excess brings.
Wait a minute there, Chris. I can handle my alcohol. You're probably right. This time you can. But alcohol causes you to lose your inhibitions. If you've had a really great day or a really rotten day, you think you deserve just one more drink. And then your friends show up so you have to have one more drink with them. Then they feel bad for you or celebrate with you and you need one more drink. And then because you're arrogant enough to think that you can "handle your alcohol" you drive off and kill a man dismembering his body into three pieces.
Everybody thinks, "That will never happen to me." I'm just being hard because of what my family's been through, right? That is exactly right. No one. NO ONE, should have to feel what those boys, what my mom, I have felt this week. No one thinks it could happen to them...until it does. Do you "deserve" a drink? No you deserve hell. Do you "need" a drink to relax? Then you're co-dependent and need psychiatric help. You want...I want a drink. You want TO drink.
Look, I'm not over the edge. I'm not saying ban alcohol. In fact if you drink one or two drinks in your home and you don't leave. There is nothing...NOT one single thing wrong with it. In fact I could have a glass of wine with my steak at home and I'm not breaking the law or sinning. But, and this is a big but, my kids see that, and whose to say if they can "handle" their alcohol. Or if their grandchildren can handle theirs.
If you believe you can handle it and you have no problems with a drink here and there, kudos to you. I hope you never experience what we have. I simply know this one thing for certain. If you never drink, you'll never drive drunk, and you'll never be convicted of intoxicated manslaughter.
One last footnote note. On the day my brother was sentenced, an aunt called with sympathies...she was already drunk.