Turning the brokenness into something extraordinarily beautiful.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Just Some Random Stuff

I'm kind of agitated right now. My family frustrates me. Why? Because NO ONE FREAKIN' LISTENS TO ME!! And they wonder why I repeat myself all the time. Any time I have something important to convey to them, I tell them what they need to know, and ask do you hear me? They always say yes, I got it. But what really happens is that when they see my lips moving, they automatically put me on ignore. Then when the crucial moment in time arrives, guess what? They didn't remember what I said, and they need Mom (or wife) to bail them out. Why? They're out to drive me crazy!

Another example - last night after dinner the trash can was sitting there full, just about overflowing. After I washed the dishes I left the can sitting there with the lid open to remind my husband to take it out. Later, when I went in the kitchen, I saw the full trash can still sitting there. So I left it there with the lid up so he'd see it this morning and take it out. But guess what? It's still sitting there!!! I know I'm capable of taking it out, but that's not the point. The point is that it was deliberately ignored.

And what's up with people borrowing stuff from you and never returning it? I hate to go and ask for my stuff back. When they're done using it, why can't they just return it instead of putting it away like it belongs to them?

I live in an apartment right now, and the back door has a drip from the air conditioner that is dripping from under the upstairs eaves right down to the door mat at the back door. Some days it practically pours out of there in a steady stream, so that when I'm trying to unlock the door, I'm getting wet. Not to mention the fact that we always track muddy water inside the house, so I have to mop the tile in that entry every day. How come a little water can be so aggravating?

How about we talk about poop? We have a rule here that dog owners pick up the poop. So how come I have to go on a weekly poop patrol to pick up all of the poop in the courtyard that no one else is picking up? I know - you say just leave it if your dog didn't do it. I can't do that, because kids play out there, and they shouldn't have to be stepping and falling in it.

OK - gripe session over for now. Just needed to vent.

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