Turning the brokenness into something extraordinarily beautiful.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Reasons For Quitting - Breaking Free Update

Originally posted January 16, 2008

These are some of the reasons why I quit smoking:

»I no longer enjoy cigarettes
»I'm scared of getting sick or dying from lung cancer or emphysema
»I can't catch my breath
»I'm sick and tired of smelling like smoke
»I don't want to expose my family and friends to secondhand smoke
»I spend too much money on cigarettes
»I feel embarrassed for others to know I smoke
»I will have whiter teeth, fresher breath, and clean smelling clothes and hair
»I will cough less and breathe better
»I will lower my risk for cancer, heart attacks, strokes, early death, cataracts and skin wrinkling
»I will make myself and my friends and family proud
»I won't have to worry anymore about when I can smoke next

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